Our Story
The Inception of AHMEN
In 1998, a lone team of volunteers hailing from Walker County, Alabama embarked on a journey to Limon, Honduras with the aim of offering medical assistance. During their mission, they encountered not only poverty, disease, malnutrition, and limited opportunities, but they also recognized familiar faces among those struggling in these circumstances, including their own friends, family, and children. After bonding over shared meals and enriching experiences with people far from their homeland, the team eventually returned to their everyday lives…
Then came Hurricane Mitch.
The storm's devastation significantly altered the scenery from what the volunteers had previously recalled, leaving the Hondurans they had befriended in even more dire circumstances than during their initial visit. In response, the team activated their initial support network and also motivated entire communities to collect clothing, construction materials, food, and medical provisions to aid the Hondurans. It was during this recovery initiative that the Alabama Honduras Medical Educational Network (AHMEN) came into existence.
How We Help
Over the years many thousands of volunteers have gathered to Alabama Honduras Medical Educational Network (AHMEN) to work as God's hands and feet to aid Honduras. Our teams continue to bring much-deserved medical care to the most-ignored areas of Honduras along the Garifuna and Moskitia coasts. We’ve also dispatched state-of-the-art eye care clinics across the country. Many volunteers sponsor food kitchens and help individual groups of Hondurans develop businesses through skills such as sewing, woodworking, jewelry, and water purification. Some groups of missionaries help communities pursue their own courses to self-empowerment through long-term educational programs, and many others see their mission as motivating the country toward transformation through active discipleship and evangelism. Together, as a single body with a single purpose, we collaborate across the many areas to which God calls us.
AHMEN is a network of individuals charting a partnership with the Honduran people toward a brighter future. We dream of a Honduras free of impoverished conditions which touched our hearts over two decades ago and partner with Honduran families to help their dreams become a reality.
Building Faith, Hope, Health, and Happiness in Honduras:
Be a part of our mission to uplift our communities.